Anthony Goldsmith
Anthony Goldsmith has been practicing nearly exclusively as a civil-rights lawyer since 2007, with an emphasis on disability rights litigation and police misconduct matters. He has been involved in both Title II and Title III ADA cases with a particularized expertise in the litigation of disability rights cases involving substantial injuries to people with disabilities and matters where there is a crossover between disability rights claims and other bases of governmental liability.
From 1997 to 2007, Anthony was a principal at a nationally renowned disability access consulting firm. That firm’s client list included several of the world’s largest corporations and law firms, state attorneys’ general offices and numerous counties and cities. Anthony has been approved by various chapters of the American Institute of Architects as co-presenter for continuing education for architects on the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the accessibility provisions of the California Building Code.
In addition to his years of experience as an attorney and disability rights subject matter expert, Anthony has also represented the disability community as a legislative negotiator. Acting on behalf of Californians for Disability Rights, Inc., he was selected by the California Senate to participate in stakeholders committees on behalf of the disability community. He has been a witness before numerous Assembly and Senate committees in his capacity as an advocate for the disability community and an expert in both technical compliance and disability rights litigation. Mr. Goldsmith was involved in drafting the language of the number of laws protecting and affecting the rights of people with disabilities; including Senate Bill 1608, Senate Bill 1186, Senate Bill 269 and Assembly Bill 1521. He was particularly involved in negotiating the language of provisions of the California Civil Code that impact damage calculations and pleading requirements in disability rights matters, attempt to create balance between landlords and tenants and encourage proactive access compliance assessments by businesses and property owners.